Family Photos with School Aged Kids

A lot of families seem to get photos done when their babies are born, but then don’t think to photograph them through the years as they grow up. Often its just that life with school aged kids is busy, and the thought of adding one more thing onto an already-full plate can often seem overwhelming and unnecessary. Or sometimes photos are reserved for major life milestones.

But here’s the thing. Primary school aged kids are awesome!! They have their own unique personalities, their own loves and hobbies, they’re loosing teeth, they scrape their knees playing sport, and they just love life.

With my kids being young adults now, I often look back on when they were younger thinking it all went way too quickly. And although I love the season my grown-up family is in now, I do sometimes miss the swims in the river, the games in the backyard, teeball batting practice with water balloons and summer evenings shooting hoops in the driveway.

Don’t just rely on your phone snaps to document your kiddo’s childhood. They can very easily be lost, deleted or forgotten about. Put aside a weekend each year to celebrate the season your family is in, to celebrate your kids, and create some tangible memories that will undoubtedly become family treasures.

Let’s start planning some fun family photos for your school aged kids. Get in touch so we can chat more and celebrate you all!


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