Families Janelle Keys Families Janelle Keys

Family Photos with School Aged Kids

A lot of families seem to get photos done when their babies are born, but then don’t think to photograph them through the years as they grow up. But here’s the thing. Primary school aged kids are awesome!! They have their own unique personalities, their own loves and hobbies, they’re loosing teeth, they scrape their knees playing sport, and they just love life!

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Helpful Info, Families Janelle Keys Helpful Info, Families Janelle Keys

When is the best time to take family photos?

In every season of parenthood, we feel like if we just get through this stage, the next one will bring more freedom, more breathing space and more time. So we put off things for ‘later’. Family photography is one of those things that’s easy to delay. But it’s also something that you’re not able to capture in retrospect. Once a season has passed, it doesn’t return.

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