Behind the Lens...


This is me with my 3 kids taken by hubby while we were enjoying some much needed family time in beautiful Queensland.

My love of photography started when my oldest was in preschool and our youngest was a toddler. Back then I felt like they were growing up way too fast and I wanted to capture all their cuteness and bottle it forever. I love that I have those fleeting moments to look back on anytime I want to. But it seems the older they get, the faster time moves. I still can’t believe they’re all teenagers and in a few more years they’ll be adults! And I still want to bottle up the times we spend together as a family because it’s our story - my favourite story ever!

I absolutely love being able to document my growing family, and I find it an honour to be able to do the same for other families - like yours. So if you think you might like me to photograph your favourite story ever, here’s some fun facts to help you get to know me better:

  • I’m a big tea drinker. I like the smell of coffee, but I hate the taste!

  • I can play the piano, guitar and saxophone

  • I love breakfast cereal as an afternoon snack

  • My husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this year!

  • I love chocolate covered liquorice

If you love playfulness over perfection and seek moments of magic in the mayhem, we’re going to really hit it off! Together, let’s be intentional about taking time today to create the memories of tomorrow, and create for your family a beautiful legacy that will last long after the memories fade.
