How will you be remembering the last decade?
As we head into 2020 and move into yet another decade, we naturally look back at the last decade and reminisce on what we've done, how we've changed and where we are today. We take a nostalgic look back at the past decade and at the same time, glance with hope into what the decade ahead may have in store for us.
Our minds can only hold so much, and so we often rely on a record to remind us of past happenings. It’s the same reason we keep sentimental things, like our babies first outfit or their favourite blue ball. We keep treasured items close to reflect on and share. They become pieces of each family’s legacy, things that prompt our memories or bring to life the stories we recount.
How will you be enjoying the memories past? Will you be able to gather around the family photo album, remembering your kids at different ages and the expressions they used to make? Or will you rely on scrolling back through hundreds of photos and hoping not to accidentally delete one?
And how will your children be enjoying their memories in the coming years? Imagine handing your child a floppy disc with their childhood pictures on it today, they’d have little to no way to access them. Although it’s hard to imagine our phone’s photo reel being redundant, technology is changing at such a pace that even storing photos on an SD or external memory device isn’t foolproof. (And again, easily erased).
Photographs never get outdated but rather they grow in value and importance the more the years pass. They are collections of life’s memories printed out, telling the story of your family. A story that not only belongs to us, but to our children and grandchildren too. They are keepsakes that last decades and true markers of times to be enjoyed by young and old alike.
Details of the Green Family’s beautiful Deluxe Album
If you’d like to create some lasting memories for your family so you can remember the days of 2020, I’d love to hear from you and learn all about your family. CONTACT ME and we can chat some more :)