Pregnancy Annoucement Photoshoot

Sometimes life can hand you some curveballs and surprises - some will be challenging and others will be joyous. The surprise of finding out your family is growing when you’re just getting used to being a mum can be filled with mixed feelings, and it’s one that I can personally relate to. There’s an incredible joy as you get ready to welcome another sweet life into your family, but also some uncertainly as you see the window of time you spend with your older baby get smaller as your due date approaches. So when Megan told me she just found out she’s pregnant with sweet little Mercy being just 4 months old, I couldn’t wait to meet her, get to know her more and find out what it is about her family she most wants to capture at this time - not just for her and hubby, but also for little Mercy.

Yes, we had fun designing and planning a THE. CUTEST. pregnancy announcement photo to share with her friends and family, but more than that - we created photographs that will show Mercy just how much she is treasured, just how much she is the centre of their universe, and just how much she is loved and adored. I only just met Mercy the day of our session and her smile brightened my entire week. I have no doubt that she continually brightens the lives of everyone she meets - in particular her future brother or sister!


Fun activities to do at your next family photo session


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