Family Activities to Encourage Connection

Family life these days is synonymous with busyness. Between everyone’s routines and schedules, when ‘downtime’ eventually comes of an evening or weekend, it’s all too tempting for our tired brains to simply turn to screens for some light entertainment. It seems that busyness is interfering with genuine connections and the constant distractions available to us are making it hard to for us slow down and just ‘soak’ in time with the ones we love the most.

I’ve collated 20 ideas that are relatively easy and low cost, that foster togetherness and family fun. I hope these ideas help your family to kick back together and enjoy making memories.


Family Game Night

Sorry, Trouble, Pictionary, Monopoly, Game of Life, Ticket to Ride, Uno… the list goes on. Whether it’s a bit of friendly competition or a game where the family teams up to defeat a mutual enemy, crack open the games cupboard and see what adventure awaits.


Backyard fun

Most families have backyards that are set up to entertain the kids. Get out there after work and join in the fun on their turf! You could set up a game of family bowling, cricket or an obstacle course. If the weather is nice, maybe even challenge the kids to a water fight!

Go to the library

There are so many resources available at the local library. Aside from choosing books, DVD’s or audio books to enjoy together, many libraries also run kid’s programs and family movies nights. Some library’s also have interactive activities available like lego or colouring in, and are often open until early evening, perfect for a free after school past time.


Family Picnic

We’ve all got to have dinner, but let’s make it fun! Either pack up a picnic and head to your local park, or if you can’t get out, simply enjoy your picnic in the backyard or even the lounge room floor. Somehow dinner without the ‘dinner table’ can often open up great conversations with our kids.


Wash the car

Parents, let’s turn one of our chores into a fun activity for the kids. Small kids love helping to wash the car, especially when it turns into a fun water fight. Jump on it quick though because my teenagers are no longer falling for it! ;)

Bake together

Is there anything better than freshly baked cookies, straight out of the oven? Yes! If you’ve baked them with your child :) Yes it will be messy, no it won’t be pretty, but you’ll be making memories as well as cookies! Not to mention lunch box snacks for the coming week. Win-Win.


Backyard Campfire

One of our favourite family activities, especially as the kids are getting older, is to gather around the fire pit and toast marshmallows. Sometimes we’ll even take our dinner out there and eat from our laps. For some reason around a fire pit, dad’s jokes are funnier, family memories are laughed about, and even teenagers get chatting. Make sure to check the fire restrictions in your area before doing this one.


Go for a Bike Ride

Get those helmets on and head out on a family bicycle or scooter ride. Maybe there’s a creek or park nearby, maybe there’s a café everyone can ride to for afternoon tea. Whatever it is, getting out and active together is a great way to promote happiness and health.


Pizza or cooking night

Cooking together is a guaranteed way to have fun. One of the most crowd-pleasing ways is to have plain pizza bases (store bought or make your own) and then let everyone dress their own pizza with an array of chopped up veggies, meat, sauce and cheese. These will need to be baked for 15-20 minutes so there’s even an opportunity for a family game in the meantime!

After Dinner Hot Chocolate or Ice Cream Run

Instead of sitting down after dinner and watching TV, go for an impromptu drive to get some hot chocolate or ice cream. I can promise you the kids will be on board! Everyone can pick their favourite flavor ice cream and maybe even tell a story about why they picked it.


Lego Competition

Empty the buckets of lego and have fun seeing who can build the best creation. There are no bounds to this one except your imaginations. Just be sure to pack it up so no one steps on a landmine later, ouch!

Read a book together as a family

Find a common interest and unite the family over a book. It could be non-fiction, if the kids are interested in reptiles or a famous person in history, or perhaps a fictional tale that appeals to everyone. A chapter a night or every few evenings over a warm milo could become a lovely family tradition and great way to wind down before bed.


Pancake Dinner

Throw nutrition out the door for one night and have a pancake dinner. Let the kids go nuts picking toppings (fruit, marshmallows, choc chips, spreads, actual nuts…) and decorating their pancakes with silly faces or their own unique design.



A great way to get the kids outside and learn about nature is to garden together. Whether you have a big backyard or a small balcony or patio, there’s so many options for big and small gardens with flowers, succulents or herbs.

Chalk drawings on the footpath

Hopscotch, throwing games, obstacle courses or Mr Squiggle, chalk on the footpath is always fun and easily washes off (the path AND the clothes!) You could even draw a handball court and challenge the kids to match!


Make some playdough and see what you can create together

Playdough can be made at home with only three or four ingredients. Let the kids pick colours and see who can make what or make a joint creation. The great thing about playdough is it easily rolls back up into an airtight container for next time!


Swimming at the pool or local river

Get out for a paddle together at the local pool or river. Take the cozzies, or something to float on and catch some rays. You could even combine this one with a picnic dinner and side bonus, the pup pals can join in one this one!


Look through family album or home videos

My kids just love looking back through old photos and videos. It’s amazing as a mum too, getting to relive those precious days. It’s bound to insight some giggles and get everyone reminiscing on their favourite, treasured memories.


Dinner ‘Crawl’

For dinner out with a twist, try a three course dinner ‘crawl’. Split your dinner into three sections and make an adventure out of it. One example is to stop for salad at one place, chicken from another and then drinks from a third. Another way is going to one fast food joint for drinks, another from a happy meal and icecream from a third. To keep on a budget, this could be done at supermarkets too.

Craft night

Get the creative juices pumping with a craft night. This can be tailored to kid’s interests and age but some great ideas are painting, collage, making some wall art or macramé. You could even make a pinata to play with later!

I hope this encourages you to spend a little extra time each day to reconnect back with your family. I’d love to hear how you foster connection with your loved ones and what your kids love to do with you the most. You may not realise it yet, but these are the moments that they’ll look back on when they’re older as their most treasured memories with you! :)

Happy playing!