Tips for Settling Your Newborn Baby


Guest Post by Karen El-Azzi of Thrive Together

A big question I get asked by my baby massage class clients is, 'what are some effective ways to settle my baby?' There are a few reasons why a baby may be unsettled and your approach to settling them will vary accordingly. 

Hunger, Nappy Change & Sleep

The first 3 scenarios are the more obvious and easy to deal with and you can identify or rule them out as the cause, quite quickly.

Overstimulated and Over Tired

If you think you baby is due or perhaps overdue for a nap and they are too unsettled to go to sleep in the usual manner, they are probably over stimulated and over tired. Try this:

- Moving to a quieter and darker room (less noise, light and things they can see to stimulate them).
- Holding them either vertically or horizontally and do some simple massage while you hold them (it may be easier to hold younger babies who are unable to support their heads upright, cradled in your arm horizontally. Tired babies can also find it hard to support their heads, so keep this in mind).
- If holding your baby vertically - slowly and gently stroke their back, from between their shoulder down to the top of their buttocks, repeatedly. Strokes should be firm without being too hard. You don’t want them to be light either. Light strokes tend to tickle more than massage and can be even more stimulating and irritating to a baby.
- If holding your baby horizontally – gently, slowly and firmly use your free hand to stroke their leg from the top of the leg (just below the nappy) down to the ankle. Be sure to avoid touching the bottom of the foot (this is a very sensitive part of their body and can further irritate them). Alternate legs.

Colic and Wind

Some babies experience colic or wind. In my experience, this tends to happen towards the end of the day and about the same time of day. An effective abdominal massage can be very effective but requires some explanation to get right. I would recommend professional advice on how best to do this. However, “bicycle legs” is also effective, but can take longer, as it is relying more on general movement of the abdomen alone.

Bicycle Legs: Lay your baby on a safe and comfortable surface, on their back. Take and hold each of their lower legs in each of your hands. With one leg, gently move their legs, up and in, towards their abdomen and back out, repeat for each leg, alternating each time. 

Some Other Reason

If you are unsure or finding your baby is regularly unsettled, there could be some other reason for it. I encourage you to seek medical advice and support, even if it is just to provide you with the reassurance that you are doing the right things and that your baby is healthy and growing and developing well. The best general advice I can give though is that the best way to settle a baby is to avoid the unsettled periods as much as possible. Babies may not be able to talk, but they certainly have body cues that can help you understand their needs. If you can read and address their cues before they start crying it will make life easier. For example, a hungry baby may start chewing or sucking on their hand or start the rooting reflex when you are holding them. A tired baby may start getting more fidgety or yawn more. A baby that will need a nappy change may look very focused and still while they fill their nappy. Spend time watching and taking in your baby, you may be surprised at how well they can communicate with you, using their body cues. If you have concerns about your baby being unsettled or any other behaviour, please seek medical advice. 

 To find out more about Karen and Baby Massage head to her website at

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