At home with Baby Ellie

At the time of writing this, the whole world is currently under lockdown and practising social distancing measures because of COVID-19. Unfortunately that means I’m no longer able to photograph families in their homes - for now. This was one of the last baby lifestyle sessions I had the honour of photographing before the restrictions were put in place. We even had the pleasure of some special guests visit us (you’ll find out who below) which they are currently no longer able to do.

If you’re expecting a baby soon, and have had to postpone your newborn photography session because of the current health restriction, I understand that you might be feeling disappointed.

But I want to reassure you that with lifestyle photography, ANY time is the perfect time to photograph your family. We’re not restricted to a 2 week window after birth as you may have heard.

Sweet Ellie was 10 weeks old at this session which is a perfect age to get a lot of interaction and beautiful smiles from her. Mum and Dad had spent enough time bonding with her to know what she does and doesn’t respond to, and her amazing personality is already starting to shine through.

So, beautiful new mumma, savour those precious new days and weeks with your sweet baby. Breathe in that new baby smell, gaze at them for hours, take lots of photos on your phone, and cherish the time you have with them at home. And as soon as it’s safe for everyone, we can capture some lasting memories of your new family and create a beautiful legacy to enjoy for generations.


Side note: Grandma and Grandpa live just down the road, so after a quick phone call from Dad they came over and loved that they were invited to the session. Yes, they will love these photos with their precious granddaughter, but in 5, 10 and 20 years time, Ellie is going to treaure them with all her heart.


Personal Branding Checklist


Fun activities to do at your next family photo session